Values in Action
The Values In Action (VIA) initiative aims to nurture our students to be socially responsible and to help them understand that every Singaporean has a role in enhancing the well-being of the community and the country. The VIA programme of the school is designed with the intent to develop social awareness and manage relationships for personal and social well-being.
Social awareness enables our students to recognise, accept and embrace diversity, demonstrate empathy and be civic conscious and active citizens. Learning how to manage relationships effectively is essential for the development of personal well-being. It also contributes towards a harmonious society.
Each student will be given an opportunity to be involved in community work. She will learn to develop a sense of responsibility and care for their own and shared spaces through daily cleaning and adopting sustainability practices in school and at home. Students will also have the opportunities to participate in activities/projects in small groups. CCE (FTGP) time has been allocated for students to plan and implement projects where they can contribute to the class and school, and reflect on what they had learnt.
Values in Action Focus:
Level | VIA Lesson Theme | Programme |
P1 | Caring for Family and Friends | Develop a mission plan to show care for a friend/family member through words/actions. |
P2 | Understanding My Friends | Secret Care Friends: to show care to a classmate whom they have been paired with. |
P3 | Being Kind To Our Classmates | Class VIA Project: Students work together as a class to plan and implement a kindness project for their class. |
P4 | Contributing to My Community | Students to understand what it means to be part of a school community, and about the ways they can make the school community a better place to live, work and play in. They will develop a VIA plan to show appreciation to the non-teaching staff of the school. |
P5 | Being An Active Contributor | Students will learn that it is important to understand the needs of different people and the challenges they face in the community; only then will we know how we can play our part to build a more caring community. They will experience the process of planning and implementing a VIA project where they can contribute to the wellbeing of others. |
P6 | School or Community | Students learn to be more observant of their surroundings and learn to identify the needs in their community in order to plan for their Self-initiated Values in Action (VIA) project. They will also find out about different communities or community organizations in their neighbourhood and brainstorm possible solutions to address a specific area of need in their projects. |