65th Anniversary
This year marks a significant milestone for Raffles Girls’ Primary School. We are delighted to share that RGPS is celebrating 65 years as a primary school. Our theme for this joyous occasion is “Glowing Memories, Growing Together”.
At RGPS, we take immense pride in our unity as one RGPS community, cherishing each moment as we strive forth together facing challenges with unwavering strength and dedication. As we continue in our journey of growth in character and wisdom, we are excited to share this remarkable journey with you. We look forward to create more glowing memories as we navigate this special year together.
To celebrate this special occasion, there will be fringe activities through the year like dedication of well-wishes, tree-planting and celebrations on Children’s Day. More details will be provided nearer the date of these events.
A key highlight would be the return of Fantasia 2024: A Magical Journey Through Soundscapes, a celebratory showcase of the talents of our school’s performing arts groups. We would like to invite you to be part of this happy occasion.
You may find more information on Fantasia 2024 and purchase the tickets here.